What is the industrial food system feeding us? How do I nourish my body? What does it need? Where do I get it? How do I grow it? What small things can I do to live a sustainable lifestyle? What can I do to keep good foods available to those that want them? All these things I strive to help you understand through this blog. At my age, most of the people I know aren't changing their lifestyle. I am still happy if I can get even one person to consume one less soda, to go to the farmers market, to try raw milk! Small victories.
A true change I feel is most likely to happen at a young age. Companies rely on the numerous studies that show tastes are formed in childhood - hence why limiting advertising of junk food to impressionable young minds will never happen. Teaching children about where foods come from, how to prepare homemade food, how to grow your own food - all these things lead to greater awareness and respect for real foods. Plant the seeds of nutritional knowledge in your children and watch them grow!
Something my husband and I are always seeking. Self-watering garden containers. Conversion of old boat frames to underground backyard winter food cellars. Mobile slaughterhouses. I have watched my father-in-law create a feed trough for his cows from a retired water heater. The list goes on and on. People have been gardening since the beginning of time and there is no lack of tips and tricks out there. And if you go to a farmers market, especially during slow season, you will find people interested in helping others. Talk up some Greenhorns and you will find no lack of innovation.
Finally, we must take action to fight for our right to real food. To grow it, eat it, share it with our friends and families and communities. Whether it's growing your own garden, even if just a single pot, or signing some online petitions to label GMOs or submitting public comments against modified salmon and apples, telling your friends, committing to only consuming locally and/or organically grown foods... whatever it is, big or small, just ACT! Recycle and compost! Attend or host a Raw Milk Riders event or join in Lemonade Freedom Day. Teach your kids about food. Eat in season. Vote. Start beekeeping! Do family dinners at home versus going out to eat, and if you need a break, see if your local farmers market has ready-made meals! Or go all in; buy a house that has room to garden or farm; trade in that stressful, time-demanding cubicle job and find something that allows you to enjoy your family, your life; stop spending your dollars on consumer "goods" and start spending them on nourishing your body and soul!
Whether food is your passion or not, live your life how you want to live it. Fight for what you want. And realize that just because everyone else does it, doesn't mean you have to.
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