Thursday, July 26, 2012


Hello! My name is Valerie and I've been a real food advocate for about a year. But what does real food advocate mean? Well, someone who believes in pure, unprocessed, unadulterated food, grown or raised in the most natural way. The traditional way... before scientific manipulation with pesticides, chemical fertilizer, GMOs. Before animals were stuffed into tiny pens and fattened up and injected with hormones and antibiotics.

And I harbor no ill will or judgment towards those of you who don't choose to eat like I do. I believe every adult can make their own choice. And I believe as adults we should respect that choice. However, I just want it to be an informed choice. I lived a quarter of a century in the dark. Not knowing what my body needed, assuming all calories were created equal, battling weight fluctuations and illnesses here and there, lean cuisine meals and CAFO chicken breasts and fast food. If I had known the fundamentals of a truly healthy lifestyle I hope that I would have made this change many years ago and avoided all the headaches (literally, daily headaches) of fighting my body.

Second, if you take up the faith as I have (as it does take some measure of faith to believe pesticides cause cancer and that you can really prevent and heal illness through diet and that raw milk is safe to drink), I want you to have access to those foods you want to eat. This way of life becomes quite a challenge because 1) good food is very difficult to find, 2) if you find it, you might have to drive far to get it, 3) if you find it, you might be banned from eating it!, 4) it is much more expensive.

I am not pushing an agenda or lifestyle for anyone, I will never fight to restrict access to convenience products and low cost foods as there are certainly people who need or want that choice. I simply want to educate those who may decide to make the same choice I have. I want to inspire people to eat more fruits and vegetables and try green smoothies and juices! I want to be an outlet for those that may not have loved ones that understand and support this choice. And if anyone wants to join me in the fight to eat real food, I want to band together. We have a lot working against us... monster corporations who fight transparency in food production, legislation that denies market access, demanding lifestyles that require support to stay on the path.

So, I hope you enjoy this blog. To my friends that pushed me, thanks for all your love and support.


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