Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Special - Persimmons

Persimmons have been popping up at all the markets. Don't be fooled. They look like tomatoes but they pack a sugar-candy punch that people unfamiliar with the fruit won't be expecting. There are two main types of persimmons which can be confusing. One kind (hachiyas) are bitter until ripe - at which point they become very soft (even wrinkly). The second variety (fuyus) are more firm when ripe, about the feel of a ripe peach. Popular with backyard growers, you should be able to ask your seller what kind they are. I have found the grower will bring ripe and unripe to the market. Black staining on the skin is supposed to be a sign of greater sweetness.

Persimmons are generally harvested from October through February. I usually cut mine in quarters if I'm going to eat them raw; some people remove the peel as it can be a little tart and the texture is stiff when compared to the mushy inside flesh (hachiyas). Fuyus are more apple-like in texture. Hachiyas are popular frozen and then eaten like ice cream or made into puddings, jams, jellies and breads. Fuyus can be sliced into salads. I've heard they work great in a smoothie also - I need to try this, seems like it would be similar to a fig smoothie.

A 3.5 ounce serving (one medium-large ripe hachiya persimmon) is about 70 calories, 19 carbs, 4g fiber, 13g sugars, and 1g protein. Persimmons are naturally fat-free. A serving also carries a third of the daily recommended value of Vitamin A, 13% Vitamin C, and 18% Manganese. Persimmons also are believed to contain antioxidants and have cancer-fighting properties.

Persimmons don't store long and should NOT be kept in the refrigerator but rather at room temperature. You can also freeze them whole in freezer bags or pureed for future use.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Special - Pomegranate

MMMM... pomegranates. I didn't appreciate them as much when I was younger, but now I love pomegranate season. It's a great little addition to almost any meal - I prefer it in my quinoa, in my salads and on some baked chicken. I never turn down pom martinis either. :) It brings a sweet yet tart taste to any meal. Of course, you can eat them on their own too. 

Pomegranates are generally in season from September through February. If you aren't accustomed to eating them, beware as they can prove very messy! I usually cut mine in half and remove the seeds in the sink. I have stained many a shirt doing this counter-top. I haven't tried it but it is suggested to remove the seeds underwater. This seems smart because I don't see how it could squirt all over you in this method.

Half a cup of seeds is about 75 calories, 16 carbs, 3.5g fiber, 12 sugars and 1g of fat. It also carries 1.5g protein. Seeds are a good source of vitamin C (15% in half cup), Vitamin K (18%), Folate (8%), Copper (7%) and potassium (6%). In addition to these vitamins and minerals, pomegranates boost your body by delivering antioxidants, increasing energy levels to the heart and working to prevent blood clots. Other research indicates that pomegranates may fight against arthritic inflammation and erectile dysfunction.

Like many fruits, choose a pomegranate that feels heavy for its size. You can store a pomegranate for up to two months in your refrigerator, but you don't need to refrigerate if you are going to eat it in the next couple weeks.

It was a short and sweet Monday "lesson". Hope you learned something interesting and wish you a great rest of the week!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday Recipe - Sweet Potatoes and Zucchini Walnut Quinoa Salad

OK... a new locally-sourced, in-season recipe! Well, the veggies... Here is what you need:

1/2 cup quinoa
1 cup broth
3 medium zucchini
handful of walnuts
coconut oil

Honey-Sweet Potato Bake
2 large sweet potatoes
olive oil of your choice
raw, local honey
ground cinnamon
ground ginger
black pepper

First, preheat your oven to 450 degrees.

Wash the zucchini and shred it. I used a standard food processor.  Put the zucchini shreds in a colander in the sink or over a bowl and salt. This will get the moisture out of the zucchini and make it less moist when cooking. You don't have to do this - I actually prepared it both ways and it worked out just fine. When sweating it, I had my colander over a bowl to catch the liquid and used it for my peas!
You only need to sweat the zucchini for about 20 minutes and then ring it out and/or press it out with paper towels. Set aside. It can actually sweat while you move on to the potatoes and quinoa.

Wash and dice your sweet potatoes. Place them into a baking pan (can be glass or metal). I use non-stick foil to line my pan, but you do whatever non-stick option you like. Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil, honey, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper. Put them in the oven and set your timer for 20 minutes.

With that in the oven, rinse your quinoa and put in a medium saucepan. Add your broth and turn the heat to medium-high. When this comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

While this is going, your potatoes will have baked for 20 minutes. Stir them with a spoon and then bake them another 20 minutes, or until they reach desired tenderness.

The last piece is the zucchini. In a saute pan, add just a tiny bit of oil of choice (coconut for me), and stir in your shredded zucchini. If you want to get fancy and add leeks or garlic, feel free! Once they are sauteed (only takes about 5 to 10 minutes), remove from pan and set aside.

OK, are your potatoes, quinoa and zucchini all done? You can go ahead and mix the zucchini and quinoa if you like, but this is optional. The final step is the walnuts - this jazzes the zucchini up a little. I just took my walnuts and crushed them with whatever was handy (I had a wooden lemon reemer/juicer that worked just fine) and sprinkled them over the zucchini.

And you're done! A delicious vegetarian meal with just a little more work than usual. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wednesday Spotlight - FATS, Part 1 of 4 - the "VILLAINS"

Yep, I am doing something a little different today. Instead of the standard vitamins and minerals, I'm going to talk about fats. If you watched the Hungry for Change video, you might have heard "fats don't make you fat". While I believe that EXCESS fat consumption can make you fat, I do agree that the majority of the obesity issue revolves around three things:

1) overeating - and I'm not talking fruits and veggies here, I'm talking the sugary foods the government subsidizes (yep, estimates claim the average American consumes about 2700 calories a day, and between 67 and 97g of fat per day, depending on gender),

2) sedentary lifestyles, and
3) a lack of knowledge of good versus bad fats and the link between sugar and refined grains.

First off, fats are necessary! So are carbohydrates and proteins. These are the building blocks to a beautiful, healthy life. Of course, our bodies can't function on these alone... we need vitamins and minerals to oil the machine and unlock all the goodness these things provide. So, let me start with the basics. I broke this into three parts because I don't want to overload you with information!

Why are fats important?
I know! CORNY, but I couldn't help myself.
As mentioned before, Vitamins A, D, E, and K rely on the presence of fat for the body to use them. Fat also is our energy reserve for tough times when we may not have food around. It also cushions our organs and helps us maintain body temperature (note that this "cushion" can actually SQUISH them if there is too much in there!). But what you may not know is that fat contributes to healthy skin and hair. It also helps protect our bodies from toxicity by storing substances that reach unsafe levels in our blood until our bodies can effectively eliminate or use them.

So, now that we know the important role fat plays in our bodies, well, how do we know what to eat, how much, etc? I'm going to start with the villains, and hopefully get you reconsidering what you thought you knew about dietary fats.


Villain 1, Trans: Actually occur naturally in milk, eggs, and body fats of some animals, particularly grass fed ones, one such being CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), which may provide natural cancer protection and is believed to support lean body massThe unnatural trans-fats are the ones that should be avoided. These are called (sometimes partially-) hydrogenated oils - where the food industry has decided it can "improve" a natural product by injecting hydrogen into a plant oil. As usually happens when man tries to play God, we have a substitute product that is lower cost (versus traditional lard and butter) and has a longer shelf life than the original... but at what cost?? We now know such products are linked to heart disease and possibly a whole host of other diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, female infertility, liver problems and obesity.
Trans-fatty acids

Villain 2, Saturated: Solid at room temperature. Fats like milk (and cheese and butter), meat, coconut oil, cocoa butter. Includes margarine and shortening (almost always means hydrogenated), but I do not consider these natural products and therefore think everyone should avoid them. These products have been shunned by the public in the name of cholesterol. However, I am a believer in everything in moderation... everything natural, of course. Plus, there is evidence to suggest diets that include saturated fats can actually reduce risk of heart disease, strengthen bones and your immune system, contribute to liver and lung and brain health, and decrease the stubborn fat held in the midsection. Again, my rule of thumb is, if it is a natural food, then it is probably okay to consume; just don't abuse the privilege. And put down that fat-free milk!!

Do you agree??
I encourage everyone do their own research before changing their personal health plan - I know I have done mine! If I could impart any advice in this journey, it's to always think about food's place in your world. Know your philosophy and examine your research in that perspective. Mine is that food was given to us as a gift to nourish and complete our bodies. Bodies and food were created with each other in mind. I can't "game" nature... change it's structure to make it more beneficial to my body than in its natural state. I must protect it by caring for it and helping it naturally grow stronger, putting back into nature and soil what I take from it so that I can keep reaping the rewards of it. It took me a long time to come to the belief that eating fat isn't going to make me fat. And maybe in the end that isn't what you come to believe. But please believe that modern medicine may just be misinformed... or just plain mis-informing!

Stay tuned for Part 2 - the UNsaturateds. 

Sharing with Fight Back Friday


This film is online for free for a limited time!! Through October 6!!

So STOP DIETING and gain the tools to managing your health WITHOUT COUNTING CALORIES!

Something I don't advertise here is that I was skinny all my life - until I left college and started working. Within a couple years I had gained 65 pounds! Fast food breakfast, fast food lunch, sugary snacks, and out to eat for dinner. I worked out, starved myself, and would lose some weight. And then I would stop! I would get tired, give up, and gain back. Over and over again. 

Beginning this year I began eating ONLY REAL FOODS, ditching the fast food, the sodas, the fat free and low fat processed foods. I stopped counting calories and started counting fruits and veggies. Since I got married in March I have lost over 30 pounds just by eating well. I have run my back-of-the-envelope calculations and know that I average 2000 calories a day. I unfortunately am not exercising like I would like (I will work out for a week and then "take a break" for 2 or 3 weeks). BUT, this is the testament to how simply eating real food can change your body. I do not advertise this because it isn't a weight loss plan... it is a healthy lifestyle that I strive for.

If you are looking for some inspiration, even if it is just to eat a little healthier than you do now, take that next step to a better you, or keep eating the healthy foods you do now, please watch this film. And if you have that friend that has been fighting weight or headaches or sickness, share this with them too.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Special - Sweet Potatoes

YaY!!!! One of my favorite things in the world - delicious sweet potatoes! Look at these bad boys that were in full swing at the market this week.

In my household, the only potato we recognize is the sweet potato (unless the hubby is craving some baked fries or I need a little red potato to cream up a soup). If you Google "sweet potato" and "superfood" you will quickly find the many benefits of sweet potatoes. While I haven't talked about this yet on my blog, my family follows what we call "our rainbow diet". We eat by color. Lots of greens, 2-3 servings reds/oranges, deep blues and purples as much as possible, and fruits of all colors. Orange produce, in particular, are generally rich in Vitamin A, good for healthy eyes and a happy heart. Fruits and vegetables with these rich orange hues also carry antioxidant properties and are good sources of Vitamin C.

There are a couple of different sweet potatoes generally available in the US. The standard sweet potato (looks most similar to a russet potato), garnet and jewel "yams" (deeper orange flesh than the standard), and the Japanese sweet potato (skin more purplish than red-orange, light-colored flesh and more tender and sweet than the previously mentioned potatoes). Experiment and see which one you like best! Pictures here

Surprisingly, sweet potatoes and russet potatoes are nutritionally similar in many ways, however, the sweet potato edges out its competition in two central ways. While both are similar in caloric value, rich in antioxidants and good sources of fiber, Vitamins B6 and C, Manganese, and potassium, sweet potatoes have almost 400 times more Vitamin A. And while the glycemic load is similar for each tuber, russets are actually mildly INFLAMMATORY, whereas sweet potatoes are moderately Anti-inflammatory.

Sweet potatoes are a great addition to any household because they are so versatile. For the most part, for time's sake, I just throw a couple of potatoes in the oven at 400 degrees for 50 minutes and that's it. Chop or mash them up (your preference) and add any toppings you like - we prefer cracked black pepper and grass fed ground beef and/or broccoli. I also sometimes chop them up and bake them with cinnamon, ginger and raw honey for a change of pace. They are good in soups or as fries or hash with eggs or mixed in with rice. We will also juice them or blend them with some other veggies to make a thick soup (which my husband lovingly terms our baby food meals). Of course, you can also make them into a dessert like sweet potato pie or casserole. Let your imagination run! I can't imagine them tasting bad with anything!

When getting your sweet potatoes, just make sure to avoid ones that are soft as these are probably past their prime. Fresh sweet potatoes can be stored in your pantry if it is dark, dry and cool for up to 3 or 4 weeks.
And like radishes, their greens are edible also. To keep them fresh, wash them, wrap them in a damp paper towel and cover with a plastic bag that has holes for ventilation. Keep them in the refrigerator in the crisper drawer until ready to use; like any leafy green they won't last terribly long but that's ok! Eating them as fresh as possible is more tasty anyways. Also, similar top other leafy greens they can be juiced, blended into your green smoothie, sauteed, boiled, or steamed. Look at the greens taking over the garden above!

Sweet potatoes are harvested August through October and can be stored for a few months after harvest. So, eat them while you can! Sweet potatoes are on the "clean 15" list and have lower pesticide levels compared to other fruits/veggies. However, they are a less expensive vegetable so it might be competitively priced organic.